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IRVINE, Calif.—Nov 9, 2021: e-PlanSoft™, developer and provider of leading cloud-based electronic plan review solutions, today announced that the City of Black Diamond, WA has selected e-PlanREVIEW® as its solution of choice to perform plan reviews.

e-PlanREVIEW will be integrated with the City’s permitting solution, PermitTrax from Bitco Software. When integrated, the two softwares will provide the City with a comprehensive end-to-end permitting and plan review solution.  As a result, Black Diamond will realize increased efficiencies in the plan review and permitting processes that will increase City staff productivity and applicant satisfaction.

Prior to the Covid pandemic, the City had performed its plan reviews using a traditional paper process but had begun to gradually transition to electronic processes. The transition began with the use of PDFs, however its existing on-premise plan review solution, while robust, had limitations that prevented integration with the City’s permitting platform.  The City quickly recognized that it would be best served with a solution that would seamlessly integrate with its permitting platform to streamline workflows and eliminate redundant work.

“We’re looking forward to bringing on e-PlanREVIEW for our plan reviews,” stated Mona Davis, Community Development Director. “The seamless integration will give us a cohesive, end-to-end permitting and plan review process that will keep our projects moving optimally and our teams in sync.”

The additional efficiencies that the City will reap will allow for shorter turnaround times to approval, which is especially important given its ongoing and significant growth.

The adoption of e-PlanREVIEW will enable the City to employ a fully paperless process and allow for remote collaboration. The cloud-based solution creates further efficiency in operations with its powerful versioning capabilities, cross-department collaboration, and transparency so each participant is apprised of the status at every stage and any given time.

“We are thrilled to provide a solution that will serve the City of Black Diamond so well and accommodate each of its needs,” said Esther Byrd, Regional Sales Manager at e-PlanSoft. “e-PlanREVIEW’s tight integration with PermitTrax will eliminate redundancies in the workflow and create powerful efficiencies in the City’s plan review process and a nearly immediate ROI, which further enhances the value of the solution.”

The City of Black Diamond’s Community Development and Public Works departments have been performing its permitting processes using Bitco Software PermitTrax since 2008. PermitTrax has empowered the City to track a full array of permits and processes including, but not limited to building, code enforcement, fire/life safety, public works, and planning and zoning. The Bitco Software Citizens Connect portal will allow applicants to not only apply for permits online but also to submit plans for review and associated documents, as well.

“Black Diamond has been one of our longest-standing clients and we are excited to see the City achieve its goal to transition to a paperless permitting and plan review process through the integration of our two systems,” stated Cory Jorgensen, Founder and President of Bitco Software.

About Black Diamond, WA
The City of Black Diamond Washington offers a warm and friendly rural, small-town atmosphere with spectacular mountain views. The City is located in the greater Seattle metropolitan area, nestled in the foothills within miles of the beautiful Green River Gorge and Flaming Geyser Park. Black Diamond is well-known for its excellent quality of life. Learn more at https://www.blackdiamondwa.gov/.

About Bitco Software
Bitco Software, LLC was founded in December 2002 to change the way government and software were brought together.  In launching its mission, founder and president, Cory Jorgensen, began the development of PermitTrax™, an essential permit tracking system, that has progressively developed with the needs of clients. Today, PermitTrax™ is a Complete Land Management system packaged as a full suite of applications including permit tracking, license tracking, code/case tracking, a robust reporting engine, GIS, integration with electronic plan review, and much more.  Bitco Software provides a unique design and solution for permitting, licensing, code enforcement, and other types of tracking needs.  For more information, visit www.bitcosoftware.com.

About e-PlanSoft
e-PlanSoft™ develops industry-leading cloud-based electronic document review software that assists governmental agencies, construction and manufacturing industries, developers, and owners with their plan review, design review, product review, construction, and asset review management in real-time. www.eplansoft.com.

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