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OSHPD begins conducting paperless plan reviews using e-PlanCheck electronic plan review software - e-PlanSoft

OSHPD begins conducting paperless plan reviews using e-PlanCheck electronic plan review software - e-PlanSoft

Irvine, CA – June 17, 2015 – OSHPD recently announced its Facilities Development Division will be conducting an electronic plan review program powered by e-PlanCheck® (EPC). OSHPD has implemented this program in an effort to streamline the plan submittal process, reduce paper waste and the expense and inconvenience of printing and shipping multiple copies of construction documents. e-PlanCheck will allow concurrent reviews by OSHPD staff, significantly reducing review turnaround times, and will support a consolidated corrections list that clients can use to track and respond to comments. It will also facilitate more complete and comprehensive plan check comments as well as provide feedback on areas where submittals are consistently in need of correction or focus.

OSHPD currently uses the Accela Civic Platform as its dedicated back office system, and will leverage the dynamic integration between Accela Automation and e-PlanCheck to provide complete, end-to-end paperless permitting.

e-PlanCheck, a leading online plan review product for permitting agencies, will enable OSHPD to eliminate the time consuming series processes – which often require travel and expensive printing costs. The easy-to-use software replaces old fashioned manual methods with an online database that can be logged into from anywhere in the world. EPC simultaneously supports plan checking, reviewing, and commenting done in parallel – dramatically slashing the time from the start of a review to completion. Design professionals, owners, contractors, inspectors and construction managers can all access the drawings to review comments, see markups and track progress every step of the way.

About OSHPD 

California’s Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) is the leader in collecting data and disseminating information about California’s healthcare infrastructure. OSHPD promotes an equitably distributed healthcare workforce, and publishes valuable information about healthcare outcomes.

OSHPD is a permitting agency that monitors the construction, renovation, and seismic safety of hospitals and skilled nursing facilities and provides loan insurance to assist the capital needs of California’s not-for-profit healthcare facilities. Learn More

About e-PlanSoft™ 

Located in Southern California, e-PlanSoft™ was founded by principals of an award-winning Architectural-Engineering firm with decades of plan review and inspection experience in the construction design industry. Its patented and feature-rich products promote systems integration and significantly reduce the costs associated with paper plan reviews, which protects the environment by reducing carbon waste and allows agency’s to better manage their staff and workloads.

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