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e-PlanSoft™ Featured in Orange County Business Journal

e-PlanSoft™ Featured in Orange County Business Journal


By Kevin Costelloe, Technology Writer costelloe@ocbj.com 

JUNE 5, 2023

e-PlanSoft Speeds Up Construction Plan Review

New Offices in Irvine; Pair of New Contract Wins
Irvine-based e-PlanSoft, a provider of electronic document review software that as­sists governmental agencies and others with their compliance review, design review, con­struction, and asset review process, has a new headquarters base in the Spectrum area of the city, and a pair of new contract wins. 

The expansion comes as the company aims to push to overhaul the review and approval process for construction and building. 

In the old days, developers and builders drove their volumes of paper plans and drawings down to the local city hall for approval or put them in the mail. 

That can all be done digitally online now with software from 15-year-old e-PlanSoft, which makes a cloud-based software plat­form used to electronically review plans needed by local and state permitting agen­cies. 
"We are embracing a paperless business model, a remote workforce, while working to innovate a digital plan review software that employs all the benefits technology can offer," founder and CEO Mike Chegini told the Business Journal on May 24. 

The company said last month it had won a key contract with the City of Toronto, and another contract with the Pennsylvania De­partment of Labor & Industry. 

Other big contracts it has reported winning in recent years include the cities of San Diego, Irvine and Anaheim. 

The company also has agreements with Oakland and the state of Georgia, for exam­ple, while more than 150 agencies use e­PlanSoft in the U.S. and Canada. 

The company's software allows for digi­tal review of the whole array of building, en­gineering and construction plans, depending on the customer's needs. 

"Our current efforts are in developing the next generation of plan review applications that have AI (artificial intelligence) and ma­chine learning capabilities," Chegini said. 

The software covers a whole gamut of functions to ensure code compliance. 

The company says its software provides a faster and more efficient way for design professionals to submit building plans for review and a more convenient way for customers to comply with building codes. 

The company recently moved from 222 Technology Drive to 111 Pacifica. 

Most of its employees are currently work­ing as hybrid-remote employees, located around the country, with teams flying into town for monthly team development meet­ings. 

"We have revamped our development and ops team and are working on developing soft­ware that makes the most of what technology can ease the permitting process," according to CEO Chegini, who was nominated for a Business Journal Innovator of the Year Award for 2022. 

Toronto, Pennsylvania 
On May 16, e-PlanSoft said it has been awarded a contract to upgrade the City of Toronto permitting system after an extensive and competitive bidding process. 

The contract is worth more than $2 million over the next three years. 

Earlier last month, e-PlanSoft said it had formed a new partnership with the Pennsylva­nia labor and industry department to provide site hosting for digital building plan submis­sions. 

Using e-PlanSoft's products, design profes­sionals can upload building plans online for review by the labor and industry depart­ment's certified plan examiners, with only one digital plan required. 

Previously, three sets of drawings were re­quired to be mailed to the department's build­ing in capital Harrisburg. 

The new system has been live as of April 10. The multiyear Pennsylvania contract is worth more than $1 million. 


For the original article in the OC Business Journal visit: https://www.ocbj.com/oc-homepage/e-plansoft-speeds-up-construction-plan-review/

For more information about e-PlanSoft™ and its solutions, visit the e-PlanSoft™ website. 

About e-PlanSoft™: 
e-PlanSoft™ is a leading provider of cloud-based electronic plan review and document management solutions for the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. Founded in 2008, our mission is to simplify the plan review and approval process by offering innovative, user-friendly, and efficient software solutions.

Media Contact: 
Jody Green
Director of Marketing


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