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Employee spotlight: Linh Cao, A Remarkable Educator Transforming the e-plansoft™ Team

Employee spotlight: Linh Cao, A Remarkable Educator Transforming the e-plansoft™ Team

We are thrilled to spotlight Linh Cao, our Principal Full-Stack Software Engineer, a truly exceptional individual who has significantly impacted our team as an educator. Linh possesses a rare talent for adaptability, thriving in diverse situations and swiftly finding solutions to challenges. His helpful demeanor has positioned him as a go-to resource for colleagues seeking guidance or support, and his dry sense of humor consistently adds a touch of humor to any situation. Linh's unwavering dedication to our team's education and professional development is unmatched, and his contributions have been instrumental in our success. He is a genuine asset to our organization and a source of inspiration for all who have enjoyed working with him.

 Linh Cao, an accomplished Principal Full-Stack Software Engineer of e-PlanSoft™, has been an integral part of the Development team since early 2016. With a broad skill set and hands-on experience across various technologies and frameworks, Linh has successfully deployed electronic plan review solutions in several government agencies. His expertise in languages, frameworks, cloud computing, and software tools makes him invaluable in driving innovation and ensuring seamless operations.

 As a Principal Software Engineer at e-PlanSoft™, Linh consistently demonstrates his expertise and versatility by developing and deploying electronic plan review solutions for government agencies. His deep understanding of various programming languages, frameworks, design patterns, and cloud computing sets him apart in delivering high-quality solutions.

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Improving Citizen Trust and Engagement in Government Agencies

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Bluebeam Revu vs. Adobe Acrobat: Why e-PlanSoft™ is the Superior Choice for Government Plan Reviewers

Bluebeam Revu vs. Adobe Acrobat: Why e-PlanSoft™ is the Superior Choice for Government Plan Reviewers

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Funding Opportunity: Paper to Digital Grants for Improved Local Permitting Review Processes

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Citizen self service: a guide

Citizen self service: a guide

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