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e-PlanREVIEW®’s Easy to Connect to API and What This Means for Your Agency - e-PlanSoft

e-PlanREVIEW®’s Easy to Connect to API and What This Means for Your Agency - e-PlanSoft

API stands for “application programming interface,” but what essentially does it mean? An API is a link for two completely different software to exchange information through sending and receiving data. e-PlanREVIEW® (EPR) consists of RESTful OpenAPI that is specification compliant.

Our API: 

e-PlanREVIEW®’s RESTful API is easy to use because we provide all the documentation needed to use the API. We provide both the Swagger documentation that allows the testing of all the APIs and the Postman sample collection. Our documentation shows all the input parameters for each API and the entire JSON output format. A majority of our third-party partners use fewer than twelve APIs to do almost everything with our software.


With a clear and straightforward API, e-PlanREVIEW® (EPR) can integrate easily with many applications. For example, with permitting solutions such as Accela Civic Platform. The Accela Civic Platform is a SaaS solution designed to meet the needs of agencies of all sizes giving citizens easy access to their government through engagement and service request management on a laptop or a mobile device.

While integrated and linked to the backend of the Accela Civic Platform, EPR’s easy to connect to API enables your agency to receive content uploaded to the Accela Civic Platform, such as customer files submitted for plan review, and pass it to EPR. The API integration further enables single sign-on functionality so users logged into the Accela Civic Platform can conduct their plan review in EPR without having to manage a separate sign-in. This saves many agencies time and effort. EPR also has the capability to integrate with other enterprise applications. For example, the City of Arlington, Texas has EPR connected to CSDC’s Amanda system, allowing them similar integrated document migration and plan review functionality.

To learn more about how EPR can integrate with your system, contact us today request a demo.

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