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e-PlanSoft™ Announces Partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry

e-PlanSoft™ Announces Partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry


Irvine, CA - e-PlanSoft™, a leading provider of electronic plan review software, has announced a new partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) to provide site hosting for digital building plan submissions. The collaboration aims to modernize the building plan submission process, reducing the time and cost associated with the previous paper-based system.

Under the new goPost™, design professionals can upload building plans online for review by L&I's certified plan examiners, with only one digital plan required. Previously, three sets of drawings were required to be mailed to L&I's building in Harrisburg.

"We are thrilled to partner with L&I in revolutionizing the building plan submission process," said Michael Chegini, CEO and Founder of e-PlanSoft™. "Our electronic plan review software will make the submission process faster, easier, and more cost-effective for design professionals."

The new system has been live as of April 10, 2023, and provides a faster and more efficient way for design professionals to submit building plans for review and a more convenient way for customers to comply with the UCC.

This partnership is part of e-PlanSoft™'s ongoing efforts to modernize plan review processes and promote sustainable development practices.

For more information about the goPost™ digital plan review system, visit L&I or e-PlanSoft™. You can even try out the testing environment ahead of submitting applications.

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